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Photography is something that I have always loved without even knowing it. I used to sit in my bedroom floor and sift through my parent's old polaroids for hours -- so fascinated that they had all of these little moments frozen in time. To this day, my favorite polaroids are the one's that were unplanned; the one's where they are looking at each other and laughing. The real emotion in those old photos brings them to life.

Which brings me to my mission in photography: I want you to FEEL something when you look at the photos I take. I want you to remember the way your stomach dropped when you found out you were having a baby girl, I want you to feel the weight of your grandmother's hand on yours, I want you to see the way your husband's eyes sparkle when he looks at you. Those feelings are why I do what I do.

Photos by Alli Elle Photos




I am a wife to my sweet husband & mama to a baby boy. They make my world go around. I'm a chaser of the sunshine & love everything about the summer (except the bugs.) I love long weekend vacas, good Chattanooga eats, & the Caribbean. My two Labrador retrievers, Oakley & Waylon, fill my home with endless kisses and dog hair. I love Jesus S'much & always try to give all the glory to Him.

I started this business on a whim around five years ago and never (ever) thought it would be what it is today. I spent year one learning the ropes, taking as many photos as I possibly could, & building a brand. The next two, I focused on my niche and dialed in on shooting couples and weddings. I absolutely love getting to be apart of those special days. This year, I took a small break from my photography to settle into motherhood. I have slowly welcomed lifestyle and studio photo sessions back into my life and I am working hard to fill my books back up with your smiling faces. I just feel truly blessed.

My heart is so, so happy shooting your sessions that are packed full of love, laughter, and life.

I'm so lucky that all of my clients (turned friends) continue to make my little dream possible. I'll never get over being trusted with your biggest moments in life.

-Alli Elle


photos by alliellephotos

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